
TJALF SPARNAAY : Wonderfull Picture Maker

Tjalf Sparnaay's paintings hit the retina like bolts of lightning in a clear blue sky. No other painter confronts us quite so clearly with ordinary objects that we hold dear. Since 1987, he has been working on his imposing oeuvre, constantly seeking new images that have never been painted before. What he calls Megarealism is part of the contemporary global art movement of Hyperrealism, and Sparnaay is now considered one of the most important painters working in that style.

His original works are exhibited and sold by art dealers in three countries: OK Harris Works of Art in New York, PlusOne Gallery in London, and the Collectie Harms Rolde Art Gallery in the Netherlands. These dealers represent him worldwide, generating interest amongst collectors and attracting attention from museums.
Prices of the original oils are between 10.000 en 45.000 euro
The Limited Edition were introduced to allow the images created by Sparnaay to live on as intensely and broadly as possible. A very limited number of reproductions are available for each Limited Edition.

In an image-saturated era where anything can be reproduced anywhere in unlimited quantities, it has become apparent that rare, unique, powerful images are cherished more deeply than ever before.

O.K. Harris Works of Art, New York, has been representing the artist in the USA since 2002. O.K. Harris is a prestigious gallery in Soho, representing such artists as leading American pioneers of hyperrealism Ralph Goings, Robert Bechtle, John Salt and others.
Sparnaay had his first solo show there in 2007 and is featured in the annual group shows.

OK Harris was founded by Ivan C. Karp in 1969 in the SoHo district of Manhattan. After having been co-director of Leo Castelli Gallery from 1959-1969 during which time he was instrumental in launching the careers of pop artists such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, Robert Rauschenberg, Claes Oldenburg, Tom Wesselmann and John Chamberlain, Ivan broke away and decided to launch his own gallery. Its establishment in SoHo as the first gallery on West Broadway helped inspire the development of the area's fine arts character.

Plus One Gallery represents the artist in the UK.
'Plus One Gallery has over the past decade established itself as one of the worlds leading specialists in modern contemporary British and International photorealist and hyperrealist art.'

Sparnaay had a solo show of 9 paintings there in 2009, and his work is also presented at the annual group shows.

Collectie Harms Rolde, The Netherlands, has been presenting his work in the Netherlands since 2006. This art dealership represents wellknown contemporary artists as Sam Drukker, Henk Helmantel, Wim Heldens, Enrice Colar and Willem van Veldhuizen. Along with the Mokum gallery, they offer the very best in realistic painting in the Netherlands. The Collectie Harms Rolde displays artworks every year at De PAN Amsterdam, as well as a number of other art fairs in the Netherlands and abroad.

Work has been part of exhibitions at:

• Hudson River Museum, New York
• Fresno Metropolitan, California
• Besthof Collection, New Orleans
• Jenkins Johnson Gallery, San Fransisco
• Scott Richards Contemporary Art, SanFransisco
• Meisel.Bernaducci, New York
• National Arts Club, New York
• Museum 'De Buitenplaats, Eelde

The book Exactitude: Hyperrealistic Art Today was published in 2009 in cooperation with Plus One Gallery. This standard reference work, published by Thames & Hudson and written by John Russell Taylor, includes an extensive section on Sparnaay's work, which also features prominently on the cover. Exactitude describes and illustrates the work of fifteen contemporary international hyperrealists and is a worthy successor to the widely acclaimed standard work entitled Photorealism, by Louis K. Meisel, New York.

Born: 1954, Haarlem, The Netherlands
Resides: Hilversum, The Netherlands
Education: Selftaught

Solo Exhibitions:
2009    Plus One Gallery, London, United Kingdom
2007    OK Harris Works of Art, New York, USA
2002    Gallery Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
1997    -2002 Tjalf Sparnaay Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1994    Smelik and Stokking Gallery, The Hague, The Netherlands
1992    Siau Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1991    Siau Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1990    Siau Gallery, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1989    Society Art, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
1988    Via Gallery, The Hague, The Netherlands

Group Exhibitions:
2012    Galerie de Bellefeuille, Montreal, Canada ' Beyond Realism', a Photorealism retrospective show
2012    Reinisch Contemporary Art, Graz, Austria 'Stillive'
2012    OK Harris Works Of Art, New York, annual review of the season
2012    Plus One Gallery London, London's Calling
2012    Collectie Harm Rolde, Pan Amsterdam
2011    Collectie Harms Rolde, PAN Amsterdam
2011    OK Harris Works Of Art, New York, annual review of the season
2011    PlusOne Gallery London,'Bon Apetit', groupshow
2011    PlusOne Gallery London, 10 years Anniversaryshow
2011    PlusOne Gallery London, Wintershow
2010    Scott Richards Contemporary Art, SanFransisco, 'Sweet Tooth', a groupshow
2010    Collectie Harms Rolde, PAN Amsterdam
2010    OK Harris Works of Art, New York : Review of the season, groupshow
2010    Collectie Harms Rolde 'Dutch Art Now', National Arts Club, New York
2010    Collectie Harms Rolde 'Realisme '10, Amsterdam
2010    Collectie Harms Rolde Artantique Utrecht groupshow
2009    PlusOne Gallery London Groupshow
2009    Collectie Harms Rolde Pan Amsterdam
2009    Fresno Metropolitan Museum, Fresno - California: I Want Candy: The Sweet Stuff in American Art
2009    PlusOne Gallery,groupsshow Exactitude V booklaunch, London
2009    Collectie Harms Rolde, Realisme 09
2008    OK Harris Works of Art, annual review of the season
2008    Collectie Harms Rolde PAN Amsterdam
2008    Collectie Harms Rolde, Realisme 08
2008    Plus One Gallery, London, Art London
2008    Collectie Harms Rolde, Open Art Fair
2007    Collectie Harms Rolde, PAN, Amstedam,
2007    PlusOne Gallery, Art London
2007    OK Harris Works ofArt, annual review of the season
2007    Hudson River Museum, New York, USA
2007    Jenkins Johnson Gallery, San Francisco, USA
2007    Bernaducci. Meisel. Gallery, New York,USA
2007    Collectie Harms Rolde, Realisme 07, Amsterdam
2006    Collectie Harms Rolde, PAN, Amsterdam
2006    Plus One Gallery, Art Fair London
2006    Plus One Gallery, Exactitude III, London
2006    OK Harris, Annual review of the season, New York, USA
2006    Gallery Honingen, Gouda, The Netherlands
2006    Gallery Utrecht, Realisme 06, Amsterdam
2006    Gallery Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2005    Gallery Utrecht, Realisme 05, Amsterdam
2005    O.K. Harris, Annual review of the season, New York, USA
2005    OK Harris, Affordable Art Fair, New York, USA
2004    Gallery Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2004    O.K. Harris, Annual review of the season, New York, USA
2003    Gallery Utrecht, Utrecht, The Netherlands
2003    O.K. Harris, Annual review of the season, New York, USA
2002    O.K. Harris, Annual review of the season, New York, USA

Selected Collections:
Sydney and Walda Besthoff Collection, New Orleans, LA, USA
Mickey Huibregtsen Collection, Amsterdam/Bussum, The Netherlands
Brutus Creemers Collection, Edam, The Netherlands
NCM Collection, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jacob Gelt Dekker Collection, Curacao
Hetterschijt Collection, Spain
Heineken Collection, Amsterdam
Joop en Janine van den Ende Collection
Anton Dreesman Collection, Miami
Collection Ivan- and Marilyn Karp, New York
Geilenkirchen Collection, Hong Kong

Commissions (among others):
Eric Geilenkirchen, Hong Kong
Hoetmer, Hilversum, The Netherlands
Optiver, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Paul Baars Design Studio, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Eckhaus, Odijk, The Netherlands
Jan Teunissen, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Jacob Gelt Dekker, Curacao

Monography: Tjalf Sparnaay Mega - Realisme, oilpaintings, 2002, ISBN 90-9016442-1
Works published on postcards by Art Unlimited, the Netherlands
Exactitude III, Catalogue groupshow PlusOne Gallery 2006
Catalogue Hudson River Museum New York'I Want Candy',
'Delicious Still Life Paintings' Bernarducci Meisel Gallery New York, Groupshow 'Culinary Arts; 3 - 26 May 2007
Catalogue 'Representation' Jenkins Johnson Gallery New York / San Fransico, Groupshow ', June 1 through july 6 2007
"Ronald" jubileumnummer Gaykrant aug 2008
Fine Arts and Antique, Hello Photorealism, Goodbye Popart, by Abby Cronin 2006
'Draadjesvlees", Wim Boevink in Trouw, januari 2008
PAN Amsterdam 2008 Catalogus afbeelding voorpagina
'Exactitude, Hyperrealistic Art Today', Thames and Hudson, London
Hip Holland, Image Books
Fine Arts MagazineTableau november 2009 interview door Ronald Kraayeveld
'Sweet Tooth', Catalogue exhibition at Scott Richards Contemporary Art, San Fransisco 2010
'La Revista' 2012, Mexican Glossy
'Alta Gastronomic', 2012 Brazilian glossy
'rh+' Turkish , 2012 Art glossy
'Daphne's Diary', 2012 Dutch lifestylemagazine

Other Picture :

Source :  http://www.tjalfsparnaay.nl

2 komentar:

  1. semua itu lukisan tangan ? tidak menyangka dan takjub saya

  2. yes he is an amazing man for his picture.so amazing, so beautifull and so relistic i think
